Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bitterness has to GO!

Lately I've been noticing things about my self. I have not been taking criticism well. I've been real antisocial. I haven't been in the mood to be around people. Every little thing that people did or said caused me to cry or get angry. I was ignoring the root of all these things. Truth is Ive been bitter.

I thought bitterness looked differently than how it affected me. I thought bitter meant being sad and being scared to love and trust people. Which is true. I realized the hurt that I have clustered in my heart caused me not to serve the people in my life. Not serving is not loving. Being selfish and inconsiderate is not loving. Not giving people grace because they made a mistake and trying to teach them a lesson is not trusting God to be your source of justice and your defender. You cannot love with bitterness. You can not trust with bitterness. And you cannot grow with bitterness.

Bitterness has blocked lessons that people that love me have been trying to teach me. Instead of listening I just got defensive. Bitterness gave birth to a scared heart that put up walls the size of Jericho. Imagine if the people of Jericho showed up on day seven bitter and angry at God because the walls didn't fall down the the first 6 days. The walls would have never fell at all if they were bitter on day 7. Bitterness blocks us from a lot of blessings. The areas that we are bitter in we should overflow that area with praise. Praise causes walls to come down not salty attitudes. Bitterness not only builds walls it also opens doors. It opens walls to whatever lies the enemy wants to tell you. "Oh they don't love you, your just being used." "They don't care about you why should you care about them?" Bitterness robbed me of peace in my heart. It brought in jealousy because it blinded me of God's faithfulness in my own life.

Today I choose to be set free from this.God I pray that you crumble that door. That the door of bitterness will fall down just like the walls of Jericho. Deliver me from anxiety and anger. Lord mold my heart so it can look just like yours. Bitterness I'm done with you. Goodbye for life you joy stealer. You're not welcomed here again. I am covered and filled with God's grace so that I can give it when needed. So I can love without I can dream without fear. So I can walk like Jesus.God I'm sorry for being angry with you or anyone else. Today I'm personally going to apologize to people that I hurt out of my bitterness. You can't love the people God has called you to love and serve with bitter hearts. Let it go and be set free.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

God's heart for singleness

Can we all be honest and admit that being single is the struggle sometimes. I mean the thirst can be real and strong. Every season has it's purpose. God designed singleness for a purpose. And that purpose is not to torture us slowly. It's to teach us and prepare us for things that are only for you and God to work out.

I have this thing where I can't clean if there's another person standing in the room and in my way. My mom likes to stand in my bedroom when it's messy and tell me what to clean. She points out what's dirty. But I really can't start cleaning with her in there. I clean in a way where I throw everything on the floor and then start to clean. I perfer for no one to watch me as I do this. We all have things that are not so pretty and lovable in us. We all have the right to a process. We should stand in the presence of God free to be who we are. We should be free to mess up and get healed whatever way we want. We should be free to get ugly in front of God in order to get your break through.God wants us alone with him cleaning up the mess to save us the heartache of another person standing in the middle of your mess pinpointing what you need to work on. He wants to get you ready before your future spouse shows up. So when they do come in the picture you can focus on BUILDING and not so much cleaning.

Love your future marriage enough to take advantage of the growing opportunity(singleness).Instead of thirsting or fighting for your future spouse heart search for God's heart in the process. What is God saying in this season? What is God removing inside of you that you need to be praying for? Take advantage of all the wisdom he's teaching in this season, chances are you're going to need it in the future.Once you search for God's heart the thirst begins to be directed to Christ. Then you start elevating in him. You go deeper in his love and become obsessed with him. Your heart becomes guarded and covered in the safest place. Then you'll find your spouse in  God's hand holding both of your hearts.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

In the Temple

You can find me in the temple Luke 2:25-50

Jesus parents were running around worried looking for Jesus. How many of us run around and look for Jesus worried? They found him in the temple doing his fathers business. My prayer is that people will always find me in the temple doing what God has called me to do.

Jesus was in the temple.
In life we go through things and we run around looking For Jesus. Even though Mary was worried about where Jesus was,Jesus was never worried about where his parents were. Because he is aware of everything. Jesus was in Gods hands. Sometimes we worry after people and stress our selves out for no reason. Every last one of us is in the temple of Gods heart. Your family member is,  your friends is, and your future spouse is. So you don't have to run around looking for them.

Searching for Jesus
The definition of Temple is the dwelling place of God.

Loving someone you have never seen can be heard sometimes. So we ask ourselves. Where is Jesus? How can I get to him? When God Created us he left a huge void in our hearts just the size of his sovereign hand. So our heart is temple of God because God dwells  there. So when he seems far dig deep within your self and you'll find him there. Right inside of you. His love is overflowing in you. Jesus is in the temple molding you on the inside doing what God told him to do. Hes taking stuff out that doesn't belong there. He's strecting your heart so you can love stronger and deeper. He's filling in voids and healing wounds. Keep calm Jesus is in the temple.

We should all remain in Gods temple. If our perfect savior Jesus was always willing to learn so should we. We should be constantly asking questions. Constantly studying the word. Making sure our temple is clean.  That's where Jesus matured. And that's how we mature.
Go to the temple.

Messy beds

There's a common phrase that goes like this " you made your bed now lye in it." The problem is not that people made messy beds, the problem is their lying in it. Laying in their mess having pitty parties. You don't want anyone to know your bed is a mess so you lock your door and lay in the mess you created. Now this is not an excuse to not be accountable for your own actions and choices. This is a tip for getting free from condemnation.

Condemnation can be tricky sometimes. The enemy tells you" your filthy, you created this mess you deserve this pain. So stay in it. If you stay there long enough you will learn your lesson. " not true!! And some of us like to surround ourselves with professional tuckers. You have a hard time resting because your bed is filthy so they make you comfortable in your mess and tuck you in. The longer you lye in your guilt, shame, the more you loose sight of who you are. Who God created you to be!! Jesus died so that we can have a bed in heaven. And that's the only time anyone should lay down. Cause that's when the fight is over. When we won and we are face to face with our king. Jesus rose from the grave! He didn't lay in it! And he left the mess, the filthy clothes right there in the tomb. The Romans came back and the stones were broken.

 Some of you need to unlock that door you tried to hide your mess behind. You can't hide from God no matter how hard you try. He knows. He sees your mess so you might as well open the door and let him heal you. Let him make you clean and whole again. He loves you so much. He doesn't want you lying in your mess. He wants to teach you how to make better beds, how to make the right choices. Say lord. I'm a mess. I need you God. I got so many issues. With no solution. I don't know what to do. I'm so tempted to just isolate myself and lay in my mess. God show me how to get up and push. Give me strength God. Give me complete healing. I need me father. I can't do it without you. I love you and I know for sure you love me unconditionally. So i will not hide from you. I won't run from your love. I choose to lay in your grace instead.