Monday, October 20, 2014

Reserved heart

God has reserved us for someone special. A person that is uniquely created to compliment you. Not just anyone can come into your life and just bag you up. They have to go to the one who knows you best. The one that created you inside and out. 

God has the master key to your heart. He is the super. He does the cleaning in your heart. He adds and takes away what's needed. He repairs what's broken. He gives out keys to renters. He allows other people he blesses you with into apartments of your heart, but he's the one that runs the whole building. Does God have the master key to your heart or is he just your supply closet? You take out what you think you need and just close the door shut. God is not only the protecter of your heart, he's also the Gardner of your hearts desires. The Holy Spirit came so he can guide and lead us.And he wants to lead you in your love life. 

How many times are you going to wreck your own heart by you being the controller? Saying that it's good practice to date just anyone so you can learn what to do and what not to do when your married, is just as silly as saying  I'm going to do crack so I can learn why it's not good for me. 

Your heart is reserved! Not anyone can just take it. But some of you are acting like your heart and body is general admissions. You will find your self picking up ugly things in your heart if you don't guard it. You will fall flat on your face, drown in your desperate tears with out God.Let God take control. He gives you the best. It will be so worth it.

Monday, October 13, 2014

How God sees us #confidence


When you look in the world for answers to anything, you will always find your self more confused. There's something really special about walking in confidence. Knowing that your not anything less than what God created you to be. 

"I will feel better when..."
You won't get more confident when the weight comes off, when you get a man or that new job. When those things happen you will just find something else to be insecure about. Or you will miss your blessing because you're to insecure to see it. Get to the root of the issue and bring it to God! 

Your flaws have purpose 

You should look at your flaws as open room for God's grace. A Confident person is a flawed human being that knows that they are covered in grace, and realizing that they will be nothing with out it. That's having confidence. Saying that yes I'm not perfect but I'm still great! I'm not perfect but Jesus still died for me. God will use those areas in our lives that we struggle with for his glory. People will look at your life and say " she's a hot mess how did she make it?" "She didn't go to an Ivy League school, how she got that job?"And the answer will always be GOD'S GRACE!!! Embrace what makes you, You. 

God is a great creator 

We gaze at the sky, stars, moon, the beautiful ocean and the bright sun and are in awe of its beauty. But we stare in the mirror in disgust with ourselves. As if we weren't created by the same God.The same powerful hands that created the beautiful earth created you. We question God's power as a creator when we look down on ourselves. God says in the bible that we are fearfully, wonderfully made. He doesn't say that about anything else other than the amazing people he created. We are God's prize possession. In his eyes we are more beautiful than the sun he created. I challenge you to see your self how God sees you. Not how the world sees you, or those lies the enemy tries to tell you. Go to your loving Heavenly Father for answers on your beauty and value. I did and this is what he told me:

"Kiera you are loved. You are beautiful! I sent my son to die because you are worth loving. You are worth dying and fighting for!You're a leader.You're vibrant, smart and you make me laugh. You're everything I created you to be. I'm proud of the gift I made. And you should be to. " -God
