Gaps and God's Grace
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. (Luke 1:45 KJV)
I seriously can't wait to be seasoned! I'm already mature, but I'm talking about that Christine Caine, Pricilla Shier, Heather Lindsey and Sarah Jakes level. Fearless woman of God. They're leaders, wives, business owners and pastors. So I've been reflecting on how the now Kiera Danielle Ford is (gap) and how the future Kiera Danielle____ would be.
I had a conversation with God and asked him "what's in the gap? How can I walk through the gap?" So the gap is God's grace( The Holy Spirit) and God's timing. I've became different in the year 2014. I didn't even realize I started to walk in the gap. I just became intensional and obedient. I no longer feared what would happen once I started to open my mouth and share my testimony. I was no longer afraid of being just the funny girl. There was a whole lot more of Kiera than just the ratchet Kiki.
Kiera was getting seasoned. While in the midst of being seasoned, I learned to enjoy the season I'm in. I love to be focused and work on my future. But I just want to laugh in the present sometimes. And God told me that's ok. Because the now Kiera sleeps in a hot pink zebra print bed room. I LOVE being girly and having a very feminine room. But one day I'll be married and I'm 200% sure my husband would not like a Zebra hot pink bedroom lol :) The now Kiera likes to not do her hair when she's home. I walk around with an Afro and I am proud of ✊ it. The present kiera is already being used now. So often we think that being a vessel is something that we achieve. We are graced to be vessels where ever we are in life, all you have to be is willing!
So I'm saying all of this just to say that walking in the gap is an amazing process. But certain parts of the process are only seasonal, so find the beauty in it and enjoy it! Since your walking on grace you barely realize that God is helping you lay down your life foundation brick by brick. When you walk with Christ everything becomes second nature. The gap is a learning process covered in grace so you will make mistakes but you can continue on the right path because grace lifts us up and sets us right.
Condemnation in the gap
Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. (You have the right and freedom to not claim negative things people say about you even if it's true. When Jesus died on the cross you became a princess an air to the throne. Any name less than that, feel free to rebuke it.) Ive had people close to me say hurtful things to me. Like I'm not going to be a good mom and wife because I can't cook.And my husband is going to leave me because I don't like to clean.
People judge you on what appears in front of them now. But what they don't know is that your being transformed. What they don't know that on my worse days God's grace covered me into Christ image. And the fact that God has his hands on you means you are valuable right where you are. Feel broken? Jesus stands in the gap to make you whole. Feel like the proverbs 31 woman is so far from who you are? Jesus stands in the gap to get you there.His grace is enough! It's sufficient. God is the God of the impossible. He lets people see the gap between where you are and where God says your going to be, just so he can show his glory when you get through. When you're in that middle place you may be scared, you may feel weak, you may feel lost, you may feel lonely BUT TAKE HEART because JESUS is in the GAP! TAKE HEART because Jesus won it all for you so you can jump freely!There's always suffering before the glory. But he finish what he starts. Jesus is standing in the gap for you, so rest beloved. Stop trying to play tag with your destiny.
So here's to walking in to gap and enjoying every moment of it. Man life with Jesus is GOOD ☺️