Monday, December 28, 2015

You Can Wait!

You can wait 

(A pull to destiny part 2)
"...That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:22-28‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Have you ever been storming Heaven for a particular area in your life? A situation that has your heart shattered into a million of pieces. Something in your life has died or gone into chaos.  You sit in his presence waiting for that still small voice. And when he finally speaks your heart stops your ears perk up and you hear him say...

" Just wait it out."

I don't know about you but this made me so salty. After I cried out to Jesus begging him to fix it and give me an answer he has the nerve to just say 
               "Wait it out." 
What do we do when God's answer is to wait? 

1. When God tells you to wait,  be still and know that he's working it out for you.

So often we think that by waiting nothing is getting done or fixed in our circumstances. By God's response being wait, in our hearts we feel neglected, abandoned and forgotten. In those moments we have to remind ourselves that God said he PROMISED to NEVER leave us or Forsake us!  

Trust and believe that Jesus is right alongside you strengthening you and giving you fresh wind. He's giving you wings so you can mount up like an eagle and worship above your circumstances. Being still means giving God your complete trust and letting him go to work on your behalf.

2. "Wait" doesn't mean "no"

It's so easy for us to get discouraged in the process. When we don't see fruit we start to doubt if there was ever really a seed.

Have you ever been to a restaurant with a group of friends and y'all all are having a good time. Everyone puts in their order for food. Then the waitress comes bringing a few plates at a time. Eventually everyone has their food except you. This is the most frustrating thing ever. Then you start doubting how badly you wanted your order. You start wishing your ordered something simple like fries instead of well done Steak and mash potatoes.

Sometimes the bigger the gift and blessing the longer it takes to get prepared. God has something so extravagant for you that he's preparing your character and blessing for you! If you want the miracle you have to be willing to wait! Know that something great is being stirred up. Don't look at the other plates next to you and start regretting the fact that you didn't settle, be proud that you're choosing to trust God. That your choosing impossible visions instead of possible statistics. You'll never regret waiting on him. Trust that he's going to come through when it's time.

Miracles happen suddenly. We don't get to see the bricks of Jericho walls fall down one by one. It's just that we took a step and God decided to suddenly crumble the wall. Don't expect the process to look like the promise.

We wait with open hearts and open hands. We wait in surrender of our will and we pick up God's will. We wait with full broken hearts. We wait with tears in our eyes but we have Godly vision.  We deeply and firmly plant our feet and hearts at the feet of Jesus.Christians are not afraid to be in need of a miracle.  We embrace the need knowing that Christ is going to get the glory. God I pray that we won't quit just because you said "wait". But instead we step into contending full of faith and full of zeal to keep moving forward. Amen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

She Can Because HE IS ( A pull to destiny part 1)

She can, Because He Is
( A pull to destiny part 1)

“With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭89:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬ 

A while ago, God had starting to develop this passion in me to write and share some of my story. He was giving me so much and I didn't really have an outlet. So I came up with the idea to start a blog! 

Afraid, timid, excited and nervous I did it. I struggled to find a blog name.

"God, if I can't even come up with a name how am I suppose to publish blogs? You sure you chose the right person? I don't think I can do this."

Then God gave me an answer that will shape me and boost my confidence for a life time.

" Everything you are comes from everything that I AM. I AM a great God who creates great creations. Greatness is on the inside of you waiting for you to give birth to it. I know because I placed it there."

I took a long look at myself in the mirror. Took in a deep breath and decided to believe God. Then I declared this over my life...

This was much bigger than me starting a blog. This small step in trusting God will help me trust God in the big leaps I will have to take. So I got to the root of this insecurity. I stamped myself with what God said about me, and erased the lies and doubts I told myself.

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Believe God. Believe it when his word says that he is faithful and that you shall prosper! When you embark on the path that God has called you to walk, there will be times when you have more problems than solutions. But you keep going anyway. We serve a God who is sure of us! He was sure of you when you made that mistake, when you were addicted, when you had low self esteem. He still chose you!

Let's practice being sure of God because he's sure of us. Let's not give into fear. Fear will never have the upper hand. You can make it because Jesus made it! We can't count the odds when we're busy looking at the only one that matters. The one who conquered the grave so you can rise up and take your crown! 

Just like you, I struggle to remember the amazing Christ that is on the inside of me. So I wrote this prayer awhile ago. I read it whenever fear is knocking when doubt is creeping and I feel like I can't move on. 

"God I'm trusting you! God I know you won't lead me where you don't go father! If my desires we're dead ends you'll rescue me from bumping my head. Just like you did before. You are my father you care about me. You're the number one protecter of my broken heart. You care more about my heart than I do. What you say goes God!

I'm growing in the process. I'm getting stretched in the waiting. I will not shrink or diminish! I'm getting stronger faith. A deeper desire of all that you are. God I'm out here in deep water dancing and trusting you. Knowing that you have me. My life is built on the rock. My thirst is forever clinched in the living water.

God I want to be so filled with praising you that I don't have room to doubt and worry. I don't have room to be depressed because you are the living word. You are the risen king! God if my dreams and desires constantly resurrect I know it's you. Because only Jesus Christ has power to raise from the dead. So I rise and raise from my fears! I rise.Remind me that I will always make it with you. I can because you are!"  AMEN 

Sometimes you just have to raise your hand and surrender. Tell God that you don't see what he sees right now but you trust him to be your Shepard! You may feel inadequate but believe that you're equipped. Let God bring you to where he has created you to Go! When you follow him you get to see the greatness he put within. You'll see why the enemy is so afraid of you and why people with limited vision don't get you. Walk into your destiny. She can because HE IS, he can because HE IS. Everything you need HE IS! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

You are loved today, you were loved yesterday, you'll be loved forever

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Perfection. That word should only be mentioned when we talk about Christ.  Because outside of him , there is no such thing as being flawless. (Sorry BeyoncĂ©) Now I never thought that I was perfect but certain situations and relationships hilight how much I need to work on.

Opening up your closet

We all have one. The things we try to keep hidden. The secret things that we struggle with. Old things that turn into skeletons and haunt us. No one wants to open the door of this closet. Afraid that what's in it is unfixable. We kid ourselves if we think that if we just shut the door and the issues disappear. Emotional closests should be called mobile homes. Because they travel every where we go. My baggage shows up in my relationships. It shows up when I'm in the middle of an argument and I go from 0 to 100 real quick. The things that we burry deep down in our hearts affects our walk with Christ and our relationships with other people. So by closing the door to the things we need healing from, we're just making the process longer.

Be brave and let Christ in. He already knows the tears you cry, what breaks your heart, and what's keeping you from growing. He's standing outside the door of your closet waiting for you to let him in so HE can start healing and cleaning you. He doesn't want you carrying around dead things. He knows and you know that your tired of carrying around guilt, shame, bitterness and pain. So how about you surrender the depths of your heart and all that comes with it to Christ. His love will reach every broken area and cover it with his grace.

His love is a hiding place, that you can't hide from

I tend to beat myself up when I don't get things right. I think God is going to void his word because I made a mistake during the process. I feel like I'm no longer worthy of the promise because of my stumbling. But then my amazing God  reminded me that he promised me the promise knowing how deep my closet was, knowing how flawed I am. Knowing that I can be an emotional mess, knowing that I can have to much sass and I can be very lazy. I use to be afraid to share what was in my closet because I was afraid people will no longer see me as the girl who always carries joy and lights up the room. I didn't want that image to be ruined. So I picked up chains that God already had broken and held them together to protect how people see me.

Grace is a velvet rope around us saying that you can't touch my master piece. Nothing can destroy God's image, his love, his promises for us. And it's all because of Jesus. You are Still a powerful vessel even when you miss the mark. Because God's love stands in that gap! Christ lights can shine through you even while your broken because of his grace. People see his glory through the broken places in our lives. God can still use you even when people talk badly about you and judged you. He loves you for all of who you are! So I will always be transparent with Jesus and brave enough to boldly share my story. And you should too. Remember...

You are Loved today, you we're loved Yesterday, and you'll be loved forever.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Finding Joy in the Journey, Peace in the Process, and Contentment in the Contending

God why not me? God am I not good enough? I don't feel like I'm enough.I feel lost. I'm wasting my time.How much longer God? God I didn't know this was going to hurt this bad! God I'm trying to trust you but my broken heart  just wants to quit. I don't think I want this anymore. Where are you in this? Where's the fruit of my labor?

I've had come to the realization that my negative thoughts towards myself can be my worst enemy. Those questions constantly play on my mind. My negative thoughts bruise my soul and makes me feel like God has forgotten about me. Which I know deep down isn't true. God loves me. I know he has amazing plans for my life. The thing I struggle with is how do I get my emotions to line up with God's truth?

GOD will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!” GOD said to Moses: “Why cry out to me? Speak to the Israelites. Order them to get moving. Hold your staff high and stretch your hand out over the sea: Split the sea! The Israelites will walk through the sea on dry ground. (‭Exodus‬ ‭14‬:‭14-16‬ MSG)

I was reading the book of exodus and  talking about how the Israelites were so annoying and if I was Moses I would of hit them all with my staff and tell them to shut up because I'm trusting God all the way to the promise land! And then God just shut me downnn...

God: " why don't you tell your Israelites to shut up, because your trusting me all the way to the promise land?"

Me: " I have Israelites?!"

God: " yes you do. They're the emotions and negative thoughts inside your head. They do noting but keep you complaining and expanding your journey."

  I came to the conclusion that if I don't find joy in the journey, peace in the process,and contentment in the contending, it's going to be a long miserable journey for me.

How to keep going and make it

"God will fight the battles for you, You just keep your mouth shut." A lot of times we expose ourselves to the devil. He only has access in places we allow him to go. When you speak death over yourselves your giving him bullets to try to shoot you with. If your not speaking life your speaking death. If your not saying positive thoughts about your self, then your speaking negatively. There are no grey areas. So shut up! Don't not give birth to negativity. Let it die!Know that whatever you struggle with Jesus is going to work it out for you! SHUT UP!

"Why cry out to me? Speak to the Israelites. Order them to get going..."
I found my self praying like this " God deliver me from loneliness and insecurity. Help me Jesus! Save me! And God's response shocked me! 
"Kiera you have all the authority to speak to your own emotions. " God has graced all of his children to be leaders! He has stamped us with Jesus's power. Just like Jesus spoke to the waves and they stopped, we can talk to our negative thoughts and they will have no choice but to stop! I thought that I had to live through those waves of emotions. But then I learned I can fight and silence most of them. And so can you!

"Hold your staff high and stretch your hand out over the sea: Split the sea! The Israelites will walk through the sea and they will walk on dry ground." God has given you enough to handle your now place! All Moses had was a stick! But when he lifted it to God, it became a way maker. When Jesus died on the cross, God gave us a way maker. Jesus lives on the inside of us. So our little plus Jesus equals more than enough. God looked at you and choose you for this Journey. So take whatever you have and give it to him, he will make a way. Then you will start to become content with what you have and where you are now. You will learn to live expectant but grateful. And soon you will see dry land in the areas of your life that you thought were drowning you.

God trust you, in your journey. He assigned the journey to you knowing that you will make it no matter how big you thought your Red Sea was. No matter how loud your Israelites are. Whatever your promise land looks like to you, I know that with God you can make it there! When I get to the place God wants to bring me, I will smile because I know the process was worth it. But until then I'm going to find the joy in the journey, the peace in the process and contentment in the contending.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Gaps and God's Grace

Gaps and God's Grace 
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. (‭Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭45‬ KJV)

I seriously can't wait to be seasoned! I'm already mature, but  I'm talking about that Christine Caine, Pricilla Shier, Heather Lindsey and Sarah Jakes level. Fearless woman of God. They're leaders, wives, business owners and pastors. So I've been reflecting on how the now Kiera Danielle Ford is (gap) and how the future Kiera Danielle____ would be.

 I had a conversation with God and asked him "what's in the gap? How can I walk through the gap?" So the gap is God's grace( The Holy Spirit) and God's timing. I've became different in the year 2014. I didn't even realize I started to walk in the gap. I just became intensional and obedient. I no longer feared what would happen once I started to open my mouth and share my testimony. I was no longer afraid of being just the funny girl. There was a whole lot more of Kiera than just the ratchet Kiki. 

Kiera was getting seasoned. While in the midst of being seasoned, I learned to enjoy the season I'm in. I love to be focused and work on my future. But I just want to laugh in the present sometimes. And God told me that's ok. Because the now Kiera sleeps in a hot pink zebra print bed room. I LOVE being girly and having a very feminine room. But one day I'll be married and I'm 200% sure my husband would not like a Zebra hot pink bedroom lol :)  The now Kiera likes to not do her hair when she's home. I walk around with an Afro and I am proud of ✊ it. The present kiera is already being used now. So often we think that being a vessel is something that we achieve. We are graced to be vessels where ever we are in life, all you have to be is willing!

So I'm saying all of this just to say that walking in the gap is an amazing process. But certain parts of the process are only seasonal, so find the beauty in it and enjoy it! Since your walking on grace you barely realize that God is helping you lay down your life foundation brick by brick. When you walk with Christ everything becomes second nature. The gap is a learning process covered in grace so you will make mistakes but you can continue on the right path because grace lifts us up and sets us right. 

Condemnation in the gap

Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. (You have the right and freedom to not claim negative things people say about you even if it's true. When Jesus died on the cross you became a princess an air to the throne. Any name less than that, feel free to rebuke it.) Ive  had people close to me say hurtful things to me. Like I'm not going to be a good mom and wife because I can't cook.And my husband is going to leave me because I don't like to clean.

People judge you on what appears in front of them now. But what they don't know is that your being transformed. What they don't know that on my worse days God's grace covered me into Christ image. And the fact that God has his hands on you means you are valuable right where you are. Feel broken? Jesus stands in the gap to make you whole. Feel like the proverbs 31 woman is so far from who you are? Jesus stands in the gap to get you there.His grace is enough! It's sufficient. God is the God of the impossible. He lets people see the gap between where you are and where God says your going to be, just so he can show his glory when you get through. When you're in that middle place you may be scared, you may feel weak, you may feel lost, you may feel lonely BUT TAKE HEART because JESUS is in the GAP! TAKE HEART because Jesus won it all for you so you can jump freely!There's always suffering before the glory. But he finish what he starts. Jesus is standing in the gap for you, so rest beloved. Stop trying to play tag with your destiny.

So here's to walking in to gap and enjoying every moment of it. Man life with Jesus is GOOD ☺️